" THE DEER HUNTERS - Des McCaffrey Wildlife Art

Valentines Day Special 20% discount on select prints


A large ten point whitetail bursts out of the thick timber with wolves hot on his tail.  Perhaps they sense weakness from the old buck after a tough rutting season or maybe it’s a couple of youngsters just testing their luck.  Either way the outcome of this scene is anyones guess.

I wanted to create a sense of motion in this painting by keeping my background loose and the main subject tight and to arrange the tonal values so the bucks expression and body language took centre stage.  Keeping the wolves in the shadows was also intentional and helps portray their almost unseen but ominous presence as they try and run down their prey in this eternal fight for survival. 

~Des McCaffrey

Oil on Hardboard
30 X 40 Inches 
$9,500 USD (Sold)

* If you would like to purchase this original painting please contact us by email at mccaffreystudio@gmail.com for shipping information and to discuss payment options.